Monday, November 9, 2015

What if Luke Skywalker is dead?

 Almost all theories around The Force Awakens are about Rey being Han Solo or Luke’s daughter. I am becoming more convinced that she’s Luke’s daughter. People mistakenly assume she’s Han's daughter because of  Jaina and Jaden Solo from the expanded universe. However, that idea would be too obvious and JJ might want to throw us off the loop. In the latest, Japanese trailer we hear Rey saying, “ I know all about waiting, for my family.” What happened to her family?

My theory is that Rey’s Luke daughter, whose father was murdered when she was a child. Luke’s dead. That’s right. The Last Jedi was murdered. I will support my theory with three main points:(1) Knights of Ren (2) The dystopian undertones (3) Other answers are too obvious. Based on all the footage and theories I read, I have come up with my own.

 (1) Knights of Ren
The Knights of Ren are a powerful group in the Dark Side. They were a fail/safe group of people who would fight for the Emperor in case he fell. After, Luke defeated the Emperor and Vader, he appeared on the Knights Radar. Luke went on to create his Jedi academy were he trained his daughter and Kyle Solo. However, the knights attacked the academy. The footage of Luke is a flashback. Together the six knights overpowered Luke and killed him. However, he managed to get his daughter to escape. The Knights thought she was not force sensitive and instead, they took Kyle, who sacrified himself to protect Rey. The Knights brainwashed Kyle into believing his grandfather Vader was a good person. Kylo now searches for Anakin’s lightsaber as he thinks he’s the rightful owner. Rey on the other hand, was left on Jakku and both Han and Leia think she’s died.

 (2) Dystopian undertones

If you pay careful attention the trailer hints towards a dystopian story. Our heroes, Luke, Han and Leia are scattered from one another. Who will fight against evil if our heroes are separated? Look at the scene between Leia and Han, you’ll see Leia resting her head on Han’s chest, either  in sadness or pain. This is not a happy movie, in fact I would say their lives have gone downhill ever since they won at Endor. On the other hand, who are our  new heroes? A girl with no family and an dissident stormtrooper? Like in a ‘new hope’ the movie heroes come from the bottom of the barrel. The concept of heritage comes into my mind. While Kylo embraces his heritage as Anakin’s grandson, Rey shuns her heritage. As Kanata told her, “The force is calling to you just let it in.” In addition, if Luke was alive, he would be fighting the Empire. Snoke tell Kylo, “There has been an awakening, have you felt it?” But how could there be an awakening in the first place if Luke is still around? This can only mean that he is gone.

(3) All the other answers are too obvious

Fans falsely assume that Luke isn’t in the trailer to give Han a more protagonic role in the movie since it is his last one. Therefore, Luke will be back for Episode VIII, as a Jedi master training Rey or Finn. However, what if that’s not the case and Han doesn’t die? People want him to die based on Ford’s suggestion that Solo had nothing going  on for him. As he didn’t know Han and Leia would end up together. This isn't the case anymore since Leia is still alive and so is his son Kylo Ren. In contrast, Luke's wife is nowhere to be see and Rey is stranded in the desert. Based on Luke’s action on Return on Jedi, he’s not one who would hid, he would rather die than let evil triumph. Finally, Luke being murdered before the movie begins casts a very dark shadow on this trilogy. Most fans don’t want to feel the pain of seeing their hero die. Therefore, they come up with a million different theories to hide this one.

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